tradeKorea tradeshows company E-catalog

tradeKorea tradeshows company E-catalog


CEO : Koo Young Jae


65, Soraji-ro 177beon-gil, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea



Phone No.


Thanks for visiting Naturnic ! We are most grateful to your continous concern and support to Naturnic."Naturnic" stands for a compound word of "nature" and "botanic."Naturic has been specialized in contemporary kitchenware since 2008 Naturnic is a design kitchenware company that manufactures house hold items using harmless material with stylish design and practical functions.Naturnic has operated its own R&D department with expertise designers and engineers to create innovative household products.Now, Naturnic steps forward to worldwide to be recognized for producing some of the most stylish and functional products available, and will try to be one of the most trusted company in the worldwide home-ware markets. GMT 언어를 감지갈리시아어구자라트어그루지야어그리스어네덜란드어네팔어노르웨이어덴마크어독일어라오어라트비아어라틴어러시아어루마니아어리투아니아어마라티어마오리어마케도니아어말레이어말라가시어말라얄람어몰타어몽골어몽어바스크어버마어베트남어벨로루시어벵골의보스니아어불가리아어세르비아어세부아노세소토어소말리아어순다어스와힐리어스웨덴어스페인어슬로바키아어슬로베니아어신할라어아랍어아르메니아어아이슬란드어아이티프랑스말아일랜드어아제르바이잔어아프리칸스어알바니아어에스토니아어에스페란토말영어요루바어우르두어우즈베크어우크라이나어웨일즈어이그보어이디시어이탈리아어인도네시아어일본어자바어줄루어중국어(간체)중국어(번체)체와어체코어카자흐어카탈로니아어칸나다어칸나다어크로아티아어타갈로그어타밀어타직어태국어터키어텔루구어펀자브어페르시아어포르투갈어폴란드어프랑스어핀란드어하우사어한국어헝가리어히브리어힌디어 갈리시아어구자라트어그루지야어그리스어네덜란드어네팔어노르웨이어덴마크어독일어라오어라트비아어라틴어러시아어루마니아어리투아니아어마라티어마오리어마케도니아어말레이어말라가시어말라얄람어몰타어몽골어몽어바스크어버마어베트남어벨로루시어벵골의보스니아어불가리아어세르비아어세부아노세소토어소말리아어순다어스와힐리어스웨덴어스페인어슬로바키아어슬로베니아어신할라어아랍어아르메니아어아이슬란드어아이티프랑스말아일랜드어아제르바이잔어아프리칸스어알바니아어에스토니아어에스페란토말영어요루바어우르두어우즈베크어우크라이나어웨일즈어이그보어이디시어이탈리아어인도네시아어일본어자바어줄루어중국어(간체)중국어(번체)체와어체코어카자흐어카탈로니아어칸나다어칸나다어크로아티아어타갈로그어타밀어타직어태국어터키어텔루구어펀자브어페르시아어포르투갈어폴란드어프랑스어핀란드어하우사어한국어헝가리어히브리어힌디어 음성 기능은 200자로 제한됨 옵션 : 역사 : 피드백 : Donate닫기 Please visit our

Curved Dish Rack

Curved Dish Rack │ Description│ Curved dish rack is a knock down 2 level dish rack that is designed for user’s convenience by drying and storing varies size of dishes. It is designed to aim that final customers are able to assemble and dismantle by themselves and this DIY design leads to save production cost and shipment cost. │ Company introduction │ W ...View more

Trade Price / Negotiable

MOQ / Min. Order

Curved Dish Rack

Curved Dish Rack │ Description│ Curved dish rack is a knock down 2 level dish rack that is designed for user’s convenience by drying and storing varies size of dishes. It is designed to aim that final customers are able to assemble and dismantle by themselves and this DIY design leads to save production cost and shipment cost. │ Company introduction │ W ...View more

Trade Price / Negotiable

MOQ / Min. Order

tradeKorea tradeshows company E-catalog