SUN-WAVE Co., Ltd.

tradeKorea tradeshows company E-catalog

tradeKorea tradeshows company E-catalog

SUN-WAVE Co., Ltd.

CEO : Cho Yeonsu


38 Yeongtong-ro,323beon-gil, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea



Phone No.


Sincethe establishment in the year 2004, SUN-WAVE Co., Ltd., has developed andmanufactured environment-friendly LED products and special lightning. We’vebeen constantly striving to supply high quality LEDs to automotive · electronic· lightning business lines.Furthermore,in order to meet the customers’ needs in this well being era, we’ve put forthan effort to the development of products applying sterilization through the useof LEDs and antibacterial units; and as a result, we have achieved inmanufacturing LED Sterilizers that are harmless to the human body.Ourcompany will continue making highest quality products to satisfy our customersby continuous R&D and technology. Withour gathered know-how, we are doing our best to change to a manufacturing anddeveloping company for the World’s First Open Type Sterilizing Devices.

AntiBac Mobile Phone Sterilizer

⊙ World's First Open Type Used for I-phones and Android phones. ⊙ Harmless to the human body while mobile phone is being charged. ⊙ Simple and small pocket sized device portable anywhere. ⊙ 99% sterilization effect under 8 hours. Mobile phones are a window to germs that live in your body Mobile phones don't just collect bacteria from all of ...View more

Trade Price / Negotiable

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AntiBac Mobile Phone Sterilizer

⊙ World's First Open Type Used for I-phones and Android phones. ⊙ Harmless to the human body while mobile phone is being charged. ⊙ Simple and small pocket sized device portable anywhere. ⊙ 99% sterilization effect under 8 hours. Mobile phones are a window to germs that live in your body Mobile phones don't just collect bacteria from all of ...View more

Trade Price / Negotiable

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AntiBac Mobile Phone Sterilizer

⊙ World's First Open Type Used for I-phones and Android phones. ⊙ Harmless to the human body while mobile phone is being charged. ⊙ Simple and small pocket sized device portable anywhere. ⊙ 99% sterilization effect under 8 hours. Mobile phones are a window to germs that live in your body Mobile phones don't just collect bacteria from all of ...View more

Trade Price / Negotiable

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AntiBac Mobile Phone Sterilizer

⊙ World's First Open Type Used for I-phones and Android phones. ⊙ Harmless to the human body while mobile phone is being charged. ⊙ Simple and small pocket sized device portable anywhere. ⊙ 99% sterilization effect under 8 hours. Mobile phones are a window to germs that live in your body Mobile phones don't just collect bacteria from all of ...View more

Trade Price / Negotiable

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tradeKorea tradeshows company E-catalog